Howdy pals!
[Pour les français, comme d’hab, je suis en retard pour la trad mais il y a enfin celle pour la dernière newsletter au sujet de Dekmantel Selectors.]
How have you been doing? Please remember that since I don't consume regular social media I often miss out on your latest mixes, freshly born child or recently discovered poems so it's always a pleasure when you hit the reply button to update me on your news. I’m not being ironic, I genuinely care.
Or maybe you have a newsletter I'm not aware of yet? Please let me know if so. On which note, I've recently enjoyed Cashmere Radio's bi-weekly missive and Laurel Halo's first and fantastic attempt. Mostly links from me today:
Save the date: SAT. 27.11
Fictions is back at Sameheads on Saturday 27th of November with Fergus Jones (Perko), Susanna and myself b2b all night long. No guest list, just good tunes. Please come down at 10pm because there will absolutely be a queue right from the start.
Also, I’m playing with Fergus the weekend before and we’re open to play on 26.11 in any club reachable from Berlin by train :)
Some music
Back on air, with my first Cashmere show in 9 months. It’s a Fictions At The Post Office. It’s an encounter between intimate tracks and a wide range of letters I received over the past 15+ years (including yours). It feels naked. But it’s good to be back.
You can listen to the September edition on Mixcloud, Soundcloud and the whole tracklist is up here.
The October edition, Fictions In The Forest (Autumn Aroma edition) is airing tonight (Tuesday). Probably one of my fave shows ever. Will be up soon, hopefully.
“We have to ask ourselves what it means - about our industry and our political system - that we have to wreck the planet in order to make an OK living.” Minor Science
Some slow and/or sustainable stuff:
On the topic of letters, you can send Letters to the Earth! I first heard about this project on the ever fantastic Climate Crisis Culture podcast. And while we’re here, I’d also recommend Eilidh and Tash’s climate conversation on Learning Curves/THF Radio and Sarj’s ode to naps as an act of resistance (yes!) on aequa Radio/Refuge Worldwide.
I contributed to “A Promoter’s Guide To Reducing Carbon Emissions” on Pirate’s blog - this is where Angus’ quote comes from.
I recently participated to a Climate Fresk workshop and you should too! With COP26 happening in Glasgow, you may wonder why we’re hearing about 2030 or 1,5°c … So if you have capacity for diving into green house gas emissions and permafrost, spend a few hours online with them.
I also talked on this panel which was filmed but hasn’t been translated from French to English … A few side notes here:
During the talk, Rudy Guilhem-Ducléon asked me how it felt to be surrounded by so many peers and people who flew to Croatia for Selectors. The question stands for other festivals too. In September, I played at Horst near Brussels, which is closer than Tisno but still saw so many DJs flying. Even from Berlin. Rudy helped me figuring out that taking a train from Berlin to Brussels would emit approx 0.75kg vs flying 173 kg (more on this calculation in an upcoming). Train takes less than 7h and it can cost less than 50e if you book it a few weeks in advance. (Thanks Rudy!!)
During this talk, I was also asked if travelling by train was “pleasurable.” I’d lie if I said those journeys were always a dream (although some undoubtedly are) … A big part of the problem is that there isn’t enough money invested in making trains more efficient (or more accessible!) and that’s obviously a result of political decisions. I guess using trains will be one of the ways to support them. I’ve been thinking of creating a lil group to help each other out in navigating the railway systems. I often get people texting when they miss connections or other train-related twists. Would you be interested in joining and what would your favorite platform/messaging app be?
If you’re a DJ or promoter you may be interested in twogigs (the app presented at the very end of the video). It should help us touring more efficiently by finding gigs on the way. Twogigs should launch officially at the beginning of 2022 and you can reach out to for more infos!
More apps: my friend Lucas developed this really cool website to organize your physical record collection by linking it with your Discogs account. Questions can be sent to!
So, I guess that's it for today?
Take care friends,